Cinnamon elixir 398ml jar
My answer to Chwavanprash
A recipe made according to Nicholas Culpepper- a legendary 17th Century British Botanist
Great for colds, coughs & the elderly
Great for vata and kapha- may elevate pitta dosha
Especially recommended to consume in winter
NOT to be consumed whilst pregnant due to its heating properties
Ingredients: honey, cinnamon, galangal, cloves, long pepper, black cardmamom, green cardamom, ginger, mace, nutmeg
My answer to Chwavanprash
A recipe made according to Nicholas Culpepper- a legendary 17th Century British Botanist
Great for colds, coughs & the elderly
Great for vata and kapha- may elevate pitta dosha
Especially recommended to consume in winter
NOT to be consumed whilst pregnant due to its heating properties
Ingredients: honey, cinnamon, galangal, cloves, long pepper, black cardmamom, green cardamom, ginger, mace, nutmeg
My answer to Chwavanprash
A recipe made according to Nicholas Culpepper- a legendary 17th Century British Botanist
Great for colds, coughs & the elderly
Great for vata and kapha- may elevate pitta dosha
Especially recommended to consume in winter
NOT to be consumed whilst pregnant due to its heating properties
Ingredients: honey, cinnamon, galangal, cloves, long pepper, black cardmamom, green cardamom, ginger, mace, nutmeg